Marisol Chef Collaboration

Portrait of a woman of Asian descent smiling at the camera. The background is blurred but appears to be outdoors.

Chef Margaret Pak

Continuing on the successes of past chef collaborations, the MCA has partnered with Chef Margaret Pak of the newly opened restaurant Thattu to continue to help uplift the culinary talents that make up the city’s food scene.

Inspired by the cuisine of her husband's home, Kerala, the southwestern coastal state of India, Chef Pak says: “I'm so grateful and honored to represent Thattu and my love of Kerala cuisine at MCA. It is a dream to share our Kerala Fried Chicken Sandwich beyond our restaurant, and highlight Indian regional cuisine that is too often under-represented.”

Chef Pak’s addition to the menu is available on Marisol’s lunch menu for a limited time only.

Photo of a chicken sandwich held together with a bamboo pick on a white plate with a side of tater tots in a white bowl lined with paper that reads Marisol and a small container with red sauce

Kerala Fried Chicken Sandwich with ChaaterTots. Photo: Shelby Ragsdale, © MCA Chicago.


Mother’s Day Brunch


Valentine’s Day Dinner